By Redbaiter- in the leftist's lexicon, the lowest of the low.


General Debate Saturday 18/12/10

“The man who reads nothing at all is better educated than the man who reads nothing but newspapers.” – Thomas Jefferson

12 responses to “General Debate Saturday 18/12/10”

  1. reid Avatar

    For those of you who have ever thought Fox was “fair and balanced,” yet more credible evidence disabusing that particularly childish and callow belief.

    Interesting isn’t it that Fox uses basic propaganda techniques like languaging to nuance the news “message.”

    Gee who would have thought that bastion of conservative truth could do such things. Quelle horreur.


  2. Jeremy Harris Avatar
    Jeremy Harris

    Is that it..?

    Two memos one saying that reporters should ensure that the line, “the Science is settled” shouldn’t be accepted as a given and a memo from the head of the Washington office saying reporters should use terms that appeal to their core audience..?

    Quelle Horreur indeed…


  3. Redbaiter Avatar

    Covered that some time ago Reid-

    BTW, I know who the author Guy Adams is. His politics are clear. He’ll never have a milligram of credibilty with me. You are of course free to make your own choices, but it doesn’t help in understanding the full picture if you limit your information sources to a spectrum of views that concur with the ones you already hold. I’m a right winger, and I read a lot of right wing sources, but I make sure I also read as much as possible of what the left puts out. It gives one a real perspective.

    There’s a list of sites on my blog roll that might broaden your own perspective a little.

    (edit: Jeremy knows of a few too I think)


  4. reid Avatar

    “Is that it..?”

    No Jeremy the other evidence is broadcast daily, all the time. Discerning people picked this up the moment this execrable propaganda channel began to broadcast. The fact that this time it’s the useful idiots on the conservative side who are mostly fooled by this obvious ploy makes it no less execrable – it still and always has been, twisted propaganda of the most obvious and execrable kind.


  5. Redbaiter Avatar

    “it still and always has been, twisted propaganda of the most obvious and execrable kind”

    Sigh.. in your opinion Reid. You need to learn to separate subjective opinion from fact.


  6. Jeremy Harris Avatar
    Jeremy Harris

    @Reid, I think what appeals to people most about FOX is that when they watch they realise that it is okay to say, “I think certain societal taboos are BS”… It’s quite liberating to many people…

    That it’s okay to say; I think reperations, seperate law and affirmative action based on race are wrong and immoral, that it’s okay to say that despite some negative side effects corporations making the products we want and selling them to us in convienent locations at low prices, while employing people and making large profits (where ultimately all wealth comes from – private sector profits) is a positive thing, that it’s okay to say that governmental force for charity is never moral no matter how worthy the charity is, etc, etc…

    It’s that different world view, that it’s okay to disagree and say so, that appeals, whatever other faults FOX may have…


  7. reid Avatar

    ““I think certain societal taboos are BS”… It’s quite liberating to many people…”

    Why the fuck do you imagine its liberating to have a TV channel that “says it’s OK to say” things like that? What? Do you need to ask permission of your TV before you adopt your perspective on something? I see…

    I wouldn’t have a problem with Fox if it added value by illumination but it doesn’t. It doesn’t break news it spins it. It has never done anything else but. Why people who watch it can’t see that I don’t know, but frankly it undermines the argument against leftists who are run via mindless propaganda amongst those viewers who make such arguments for they are being “run” in precisely the same way and in just the same way as they accuse the leftists of being mindless, so they are too being, and just like the leftists they neither see it or acknowledge it in themselves.


  8. reid Avatar

    “Covered that some time ago Reid”

    RB I see you’re still at your old tactic of pretending that because the source isn’t reliable in your own opinion that everything it publishes is also unreliable.

    One can’t understand how an intelligent person can make such an error but we’ve been over this many times we both understand each other but needless to say, I don’t accept this invalidates that evidence above, of which there is much more but unfortunately there’s no point in citing it for you for you’ll merely engage your source-filtration-mechanism again. Perhaps it’s only if Fox admits it itself on the last day of its operations that the scales will ever fall from your eyes on this general position of yours…


  9. Jeremy Harris Avatar
    Jeremy Harris

    Why the fuck do you imagine its liberating to have a TV channel that “says it’s OK to say” things like that? What? Do you need to ask permission of your TV before you adopt your perspective on something? I see…

    What I’m saying is many people have been brought up to believe that being “un-PC” is a massive social no-no, so even if they believe privately some of the points I raised above they keep stum… When they stumble on to FOX they see others doing so in such a public forum, they see people exercising their right to free speech, saying I think this is wrong and not apologising even if it’s not “PC”…

    Surely you can see how that is liberating for some in society..? The ratings surely reflect this IMHO… I’m sure it’s some people’s (who still maintain the PC persona in public) dirty pleasure…


  10. reid Avatar

    Jeremy I’m afraid I don’t think that being sucked in by propaganda from either side is a conscious decision. In other words the only time when propaganda is successful is when it seeps into the subconscious subconsciously, not when it’s a result of a willed pattern of thought.

    So to the extent people consciously watch FOX for the reason you’re suggesting, I accept what you’re saying, it’s just I don’t think that equates to anything more than a very small % of the viewers.


  11. Redbaiter Avatar

    “One can’t understand how an intelligent person can make such an error but we’ve been over this many times we both understand each other but needless to say, I don’t accept this invalidates that evidence above, ”

    It does Reid for the very fact that you cannot pretend to right wing perspectives. Its a state of mind that is honest and comes upon one through some kind of epiphany or the like, and which most left wingers have not experienced. Nobody with a left wing mindset can write or relate to anyone from a right wing point of view. That’s why left wing journalists writing criticism of right wing political viewpoints (or people) just does not work. It never will.


  12. Jeremy Harris Avatar
    Jeremy Harris

    @Reid, I don’t want to get into a big argument but I’ll finish with this:

    Recently I was reading a column by James Delingpole who was visiting the US to pick up an award and he said something along the lines of, “I watched a lot of FOX over there, it’s not perfect but it’s the best the right has and until something better comes along we should enjoy it’s success”…

