By Redbaiter- in the leftist's lexicon, the lowest of the low.

Foul mouthed ill mannered Hispanic kids in appalling anti-Trump TV ad

This is about one of the best examples of the Progressive mindset I’ve seen in some time. So sure they’re right and yet absolutely repellent in their wrongness.

What is the benefit in allowing our society to be invaded and degraded by people who apparently can’t even raise their children right?

Meant to turn people against Trump, my view is it will lead to increased support for sealing the border and for deportation of illegal invaders.

7 responses to “Foul mouthed ill mannered Hispanic kids in appalling anti-Trump TV ad”

  1. Brown Avatar

    It didn’t work for the fat German and won’t work for these idiots. Imagine that boy having that presentation splashed over the world for ever. People you would give the time of day to won’t be fooled.


  2. Chuck Bird Avatar
    Chuck Bird

    Absolutely appalling. However, that sort of ad will not help Clinton. Incidentally, I do not favour Donald as the candidate but Ted Cruz. The man is a brilliant orator.


    1. Redbaiter Avatar

      Yes Cruz is the man. Notice how the mainstream media are trying to ignore him? The left fear him the most.


  3. lafayetteangel Avatar

    After 9 seconds of listening to the video, I couldn’t hear anymore. I shut it off. I had enough of those foul mouth kids. Those foul mouth kids need their butts spanked and their mouths wash out with soap. Their parents should be royalty spanked too for teaching the kids bad habits and being socially unacceptable. The video was disgusting from the start. Any decedent human being would be appalled to by the video. The video has a way of bringing out the prude in me, lol..


    1. Redbaiter Avatar

      Yeah, me too.

      Have you seen the stories about Youtube manipulating the figures and deleting comments to make it seem more popular?

      In fact has sparked a massive backlash, so in the end may have been a good thing 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

      1. lafayetteangel Avatar

        No I haven’t heard the manipulating. I will check it out.


  4. Mr_Blobby Avatar

    That was nice of them to run some support adds for Trump.

    How did I get it all so wrong I thought that they were afraid of Trump.

