By Redbaiter- in the leftist's lexicon, the lowest of the low.

Video Footage LaVoy Finicum Shooting Oregon Militia

Just released helicoper footage of LaVoy Finicum shooting.

Standard video.

Zoomed in

Still sequence





To me this looks like a man shot down by trigger happy cowards eager to kill and who know they will escape prosecution because they’re supposedly on the side of the law.

8 responses to “Video Footage LaVoy Finicum Shooting Oregon Militia”

  1. Angry Tory Avatar

    I give Finicum the benefit of the doubt: he had said he would never surrender – why should we expect that he should betray the Republic and Constitution and the Freedom that he loved?

    I’m just surprised the drone didn’t just drop a hellfire on the truck long before it got to the roadblock.


  2. Brown Avatar

    Just as well he wasn’t black with a criminal record because that shooter would have been so racisssst.


  3. […] Video Footage LaVoy Finicum Shooting Oregon Militia […]


  4. Mr_Blobby Avatar

    Not a good look at all.

    This will harden views with other protest groups.

    What the Emperor’s of Rome feared most was the mob.

    Yes the Police have the power of the state behind them, but there is never enough of them ask any dictator, and the biggest threat to any Government is the people.


    1. Angry Tory Avatar

      “what’s the good of a good nuclear triad if you’re afraid to use it”.

      A couple of W54 “block-busters” would’ve done wonders in Fergusson – hell even in Malheur, and had the bonus of pissing of the enviro-commies…


  5. Angry Tory Avatar

    Every True America Patriot needs to see this video:

    This is how the D’RATS treat True Constitutional Americans!


    1. Redbaiter Avatar

      Yes, its very telling testimony to how the Feds completely over-reacted. Nothing to what may come.


      1. Angry Tory Avatar

        only surprise is that they took so long.

        The message for True Americans is clear: If LaVoy had started shooting from the start, he’d have had a better chance of still being alive today.

        As it is: at least he is free

