By Redbaiter- in the leftist's lexicon, the lowest of the low.


The Nomenklatura- they never really died, and now they’re fighting Trump

NomenklaturaIn the old Soviet Union, a group of managers and bureaucrats (some 1.5 percent of the population) engaged in ceaseless political maneuvering among themselves while maintaining total power, as a privileged class, over all the others. 

The Soviet Union was ruled by a gang of ruthless communist thugs, but they didn’t do all of that totalitarian stuff on their own. There were too many square miles of country and too many millions of people to be contained and controlled by a gang of crooks and thugs based in Moscow. No matter how cruel ruthless and all-powerful. So how was it done? How did a relatively small group of thugs manage to keep the population subdued?

They did it by means of their minions, a selected class of true believers who operated throughout the Soviet Union and were the ears and eyes of the Moscow government. They were called the Nomenklatura. Literally translated, this means first on the list, and they were first on the list of course, in payment for their loyalty to the cause. First for good jobs. First for any position of influence that might arise. First in line for favours from Moscow. And all they had to do to remain first on the list was maintain the Communist status quo.

After the fall of the Soviet Union and the collapse of the Berlin wall, the next step forward for those politically displaced by these events was the Frankfurt School and a slow and subtle penetration of Western culture. The challenge for the communist academics was how to do in the democratic West what they had done by murder and terror in the Soviet union.

Their ideas were slowly seeped into Western Universities, and then schools, and then the bureaucracy, and eventually, those youth who were turned by those ideas grew to adulthood, and a few generations later, became democratically elected. The plan worked, and now that they had democracy in their grasp, all they needed to do was to turn those democracies to soft tyrannies.

Stalin and Lenin built their communist tyrannies by the crude means of mass murder, terror and ruthlessness dispatch of any person or organisation standing in their way. The neo-Communists have been much more sophisticated, restrained and cunning in building their own tyranny, and they’ve been remarkably successful in their efforts. Even to the extent of establishing the same Nomenklatura that existed in the Soviet Union. The First Listers who support the status quo and profit from that support politically and economically exist today in Western societies just as they did in Soviet Russia last century.

Trump’s election was broadly a people’s revolution, by democratic means, against the Communist ruling class put slowly into place since the fall of the Soviet Union. Mr. Trump doesn’t know this. It’s doubtful the people who elected him knew it. They just knew there was something wrong, and they were being herded into a system they didn’t like, and in the US, because of its special status as a Constitutional Republic, they were able to do something about it.

The US people broke the back of the plan to sovietise their country.

The outrage and panic from the neo-communists and their troops on the ground, the Nomenklatura, has been tumultuous. Today they are throwing everything into regaining that lost ground. Not only have they lost control of the US, the contagion shows every sign of spreading to Europe and further. Sixty years of planning and plotting and inexorable progress across the West is in danger of being destroyed.

So in the US, we have the forces at the head of the effort, Barack Obama, the Clintons, organising a counter offensive from bunkers in Washington and New York, and the Nomenklatura, today made up (just as it once as in Soviet Russia) of the established bureaucracy, the education sector, the mainstream media,  the unions, all the divisive groups that have been built over the years, fighting a vicious rear guard action. In the streets. In the halls of local government. In state govts. In the judiciary. The new Nomenklatura are fighting to defend and eventually re-establish the status quo that existed before Trump’s election.

Some people think the battle is between Conservatism and liberalism, or Progressivism, or even between Islam and Christianity, and it is in a way all of those things. However the real core of the battle is the fight for a free and democratic western society, and repelling the soft tyranny that today’s neo-Communists would impose, and that would undoubtedly eventually lead to the same old hard tyranny the left have lusted after throughout history.

Look at the big picture. Know who your enemy really is. Look out most of all for the modern day Nomenklatura. They’re not hard to recognise. They’re the ones who stand to lose their positions of power, and their incomes, if they can’t restore the pre-Trump status quo. They’re vicious and ruthless and they’ll fight hard, for their livelihood depends upon their success.

We’re actually fighting a passive revolution. Don’t let them win. Don’t surrender. Never surrender. If they win, and they regain power, be certain, this chance will never come again. In their victory they’ll make doubly certain of that, and they’ll make the time before Trump look like liberty’s Nirvana.

We simply have to not only defeat, but crush and destroy forever today’s Nomenklatura and their shadowy leaders. Once that defeat is in place, the Constitutional Republic can be restored, and the US and the rest of the West can start the long road back to liberty. The liberty that is the core of Western civilisation, and that has been so badly forsaken over the last sixty years.

7 responses to “The Nomenklatura- they never really died, and now they’re fighting Trump”

  1. Billnix Avatar

    Very good article. It sets out clearly the true fight democracy faces to survive.
    Somehow, intuitively I felt this is what was happening. For example, that political correctness is a form of oppression against anyone who stands in the way of these neo-Communists and is not that different to the oppression which was used in the old Soviet Union against dissidents (as they were called – now we are just called deplorable or climate skeptics), just that its methods are softer (like accusing cartoonist Bill Leak of racial hatred under racial vilification laws and subjecting him to an intense and prolonged period of harassment by a quasi government semi judicial body).
    I hope Trump can turn the tide and destroy this modern day Nomenklatura which has infected Western society. He is going to find it hard, they are many and he does not fully understand what is going on.
    Now when one of these lefties tries to insult me saying I’m a racist, or a homophobe, or an islamophobe, I just call them commos. That is what they are, even if they may not know it.


    1. Redbaiter Avatar

      Thanks for the comment Bill. Yes, you’re right. political correctness is just another means by which the tyrants would herd us into their corrals.

      You’re also right about calling them communists, for in their hearts and the reality fo their actions, this is what they are, even when they don’t know it themselves.

      Its remarkable the way they have worked to almost expunge the word “communist” from political discussion these days. When that is what they are.

      We have to recognise the enemy for what the really are or they will be able to keep on with the softly softly incremental approach that has worked so well for them so far.


      1. brickbob Avatar

        You must allow people with a different point of view to express their opinions,not everyone who disagrees with you on certain subjects are communists or what ever,i am not a commo or a crazy leftie or a fan of Karl Marx,in fact i have never read Marx or any communist propaganda,i would’nt know a ” communist from a bulls arse.

        I actually agree with some of your opinions,not many i admit…… so let’s have an intelligent grown up conversation and conduct ourselves with decorum and grace, and hopefully a sense of irony anf humour.


        1. Redbaiter Avatar

          The Communist succeeds so well when he converts others to his cause without their knowing it has been done.


          1. brickbob Avatar

            Thank you for replying to my comment,that is a good first step,dont worry i am harmless.


  2. Rodney Avatar

    Here’s one example of the Marxist’s inspired academics whom are part of the nomenklatura in western society launching an essay assignment on 9/11 disaster at Iowa state uni, instructing students to look at it from the terrorist’s point of view >

    They reason it’s a good exercise in critical thinking skills!

    How can one empathize with individuals who choose to commit suicide and take thousands with them at same time? This is more of an exercise in understanding the highest bastions of mental illness imo that has interpreted being “warrior of Allah” as worthy cause to end one’s life by making a massive historical statement about how evil the west is.


    1. Redbaiter Avatar

      Actually the longer you think about the harder it is to avoid the conclusion that the whole stinking mess emanates from the education system and compliant or enthusiastic schoolteachers.

