By Redbaiter- in the leftist's lexicon, the lowest of the low.


Colin Craig’s Moment of Clarity

Colin Craig is a political novice, and has frequently been found wanting in his recent exchanges with an overwhelmingly hostile and liberal NZ media.

However he had a comment published yesterday which I thought was quite good in its clarity and impact.

“What we are seeing is that we have a group of MPs that are far too liberal for the people of this country.”

Very true Colin, and well said.

The real trouble is of course that most of the liberal politicians who are doing the greater part of the damage to the social fabric of New Zealand are in the National Party.

Without their support the bill of an extreme left wing Labour Party lesbian/ progressive politician like Louisa Wall would not have seen the light of day.

Without their support for the wave of transparent and patently false propaganda that underpinned the liberal media’s promotion of this bill (“marriage equality”) it would have not have passed the first reading stage.

National voted 30 to 29 to support the Labour Party and the far left progressive lesbian Louisa Wall. These 30 politicians supported the lie that this was about “marriage equality” and continued to thrust this phrase into the spotlight in support of the propaganda strategies outlined by GayNZ.

It has never been about “marriage equality”, and those National Party politicians who promoted this lie, this utter untruth, this sick propaganda are either totally unprincipled or so gullible they prove themselves to be far too superficial to be representing anybody.

They willingly used this lie to justify their treachery. Think about what this says regarding their own personal standards of integrity and remember it well at the next election.

Give the group of simpering patronising dishonest liberals and progressives that have infiltrated and taken power within the National Party the message they so badly need to hear.

15 responses to “Colin Craig’s Moment of Clarity”

  1. kowtow Avatar

    The 2 Notional members who spoke in favour, Kaye and Ross,made numerous references to “equality of opportunity” as being some sort of right wing philosophical justification for this abomination. Talk about twisting a concept to suit your purposes.
    The media……Rawdon Christie,the fellow who thinks that Christian imagery on tv at Christmas will upset viewers,effusively congratulated Kaye the next morning on her speech, no question which side this “journolist” was on.


  2. Redbaiter Avatar

    Yes, this country is ruled by a Progressive media/ politician conglomerate who as Craig says are both far more liberal than the average NZer.

    We don’t just need to take down the liberal National Party, we need to take down their partner in crime, the liberal media.


  3. salparadise2012 Avatar

    I was so proud of our MPs on Wednesday night!


  4. Redbaiter Avatar

    Read the comment policy at the bottom right retard.

    We don’t need your mainstream progressive crap here.

    Take it to Kiwiblog.


  5. mawm Avatar

    Although CC’s comment is quite a clever one I think we also have a problem in that a large portion of the population do not have any recognisable morals. When it comes to partying, drink, drugs and sex anything goes.


  6. B2 Avatar

    Homosexuals can no more be ‘married’ than they can choose to be Eskimos.
    Give them the same rights in a civil union but they don’t get to steal the word ‘marriage’
    … the left got to steal the word ‘progressive’.


  7. Redbaiter Avatar

    Mawm, what is interesting about the sad state of affairs that you highlight is that this situation has come about in spite of good parenting and because the state has assumed so much of the role of parents.

    There are plenty of good kids out there who have been well brought up by committed parents but these kids have been led astray by the Progressive political momentum that is so pervasive within our society today.


  8. mawm Avatar

    and because the state has assumed so much of the role of parents.

    It’s more like the state has disempowered them. For example a 14 year old girl can have unprotected sex with anyone she wants and know that there are three state-sanctioned options – a subsidised morning-after pill, an abortion without parental knowledge or consent, and the DPB. The 14 year old boy just has no worries at all because it can all be sorted. Thus they no longer has to ‘behave’ and fit in with the moral boundaries of their parents and their community, and all is condoned (maybe even encouraged) by the agents of the state.

    When the state has destroyed the family unit, and the generational leadership, one ends up with more and more of the society behaving like those who drug it up every evening and neglect their kids, or better still give the preteen a drag on the toke and couple of beers. Values are slowly disappearing and the concerned parent is up against it because the kids see others with “freedom” and want the same for themselves. This leads to rebellion and the possibility of the child leaving home…again something that they can get state sponsorship for. /rant


  9. kowtow Avatar

    mawm,you are bang on the button. It really is a drive to the bottom. And “good parents”who have standards and boundaries are struggling daily with teenagers (an invented term) who see their peers get everything and then demand same.This is not helped by the tv version of life,the Hollywood depiction of anger,drug taking, sex etc which is portrayed as normal. An awful lot of the easy stuff comes from split up homes where the single parent is struggling to keep things together,and for the sake of peace or out of guilt or not having the other half there to help ,gives in .That is also a growing problem.
    The commercial world is part of it too. They know there’s a big youth market and have aggresively targetted it.
    Sad and difficult times.


  10. RW Avatar

    “Leftists may comment here if they feel compelled.” By your own comment policy, salparadise is perfectly at rights to comment here. Plus it shows much more strength to be able to discuss things with people who don’t agree with you without attacking them.
    Also, you know, teenagers can be mature sometimes. It’s not fair to claim that values have disappeared with young people, because many are very committed to causes – young people tend to be the most active in promoting peace, justice and similar things. I would agree, however, that many young people behave in ways that we don’t approve of; however, don’t discount the ones who don’t. I have a hunch that our best hope for change is from there, because we can’t legislate societal change in our young people. What it needs is other young people to stand up and make a difference.


  11. The Gantt Guy Avatar
    The Gantt Guy

    RW, what part of “TrueblueNZ is not a public address facility for cultural Marxists” don’t you understand? You should follow sal to kiwiblog; it’s more your speed. Since you clearly need some guidance, here we go…

    (a) “it shows much more strength to be able to discuss things with people who don’t agree with you without attacking them” TrueBlueNZ is not a place where progressives and faux-conservatives sit in a circle and exchange recipes. Redbaiter set this site up to be a place where grown-ups (genuine Conservatives) can discuss grown-up issues. There are plenty of places online where cultural marxists can go and get schooled by Conservatives (and Redbaiter frequents many of those, for that express purpose).

    (b) “many are very committed to causes – young people tend to be the most active in promoting peace, justice and similar things” More cultural marxism at work. Young people “promoting peace” means one of two things: (1) vilifying the brave men and women who pull on the uniform of their country’s armed forces and go to places most of us have never heard of to battle evil we’ve never dreamed of, or (2) supporting Fakestine in its desire to destroy Israel. You and all young people can take that kind of “peace” and shove it up your arseholes sideways. Young people promoting “justice” means “social justice” and the fairness doctrine. It means wealth redistribution, hatred of the successful, economic communism, poverty, misery and, ultimately, death.

    (c) “our best hope for change is from there, because we can’t legislate societal change in our young people” That you would want the kind of “hope” and “change” these post-teen children indoctri-bots are shrieking about speaks volumes. The only kind of change grown-ups crave is for the government to get out of our lives, get out of our wallets and let us get on with supporting our families.

    (d) “What it needs is other young people to stand up and make a difference” Nope, what it needs is for the parents of young people to teach them when they’re young that the world does NOT owe them a living, that just because someone has a pile of money doesn’t mean they got it at the expense of someone else having it, and that the best way to make a difference in the world is to be smart, resourceful and hard-working, start a company and give jobs to those less-fortunate.

    Now, given what you wrote I don’t expect you to understand any of this. You’re clearly fully immersed in “social justice” and “fairness doctrine”. You are a victim of Frankfurt School education strategies which have plagued the education establishments of the West for decades now. No, I suspect you’re beyond hope. You may well even be an occutard. What I hope is that some young person will read this comment and start reading up about genuine Conservatism and free-market capitalism. Some young person who one day might just rise to a position of political power and re-start the good work of Roger Douglas and Ruth Richardson. I only pray it isn’t too late.

    To that young person, I say: read, investigate and make up your own mind. Your teachers are destroying your ability to reason, to think for yourselves. There are several brilliant authors who can assist. I personally recommend Thomas Sowell, Milton Friedman, F.W. Hayek, Alexis de Tocqueville and Mark R Levin. These men will teach you how it is that the western world is so much wealthier and so much freer than any other corner of the globe, how people in the west were raised out of servitude to positions of equality, and how the political elites are striving to put us back into servitude.


  12. Redbaiter Avatar

    Well said Gantt. (as always)

    Dunno where you get the patience. 🙂


  13. The Gantt Guy Avatar

    Because: “What I hope is that some young person will read this comment and start reading up about genuine Conservatism and free-market capitalism”

    If we can save just one young person, Red, it will have been worth it! 😉


  14. pinkofreezone Avatar

    Milton Friedman “saved” this young person. 🙂

