By Redbaiter- in the leftist's lexicon, the lowest of the low.

Time for the truth that Nancy Pelosi is a Communist Subversive

Here’s the hard truth about Nancy Pelosi, currently the Minority Leader of the House of Representatives. She is a communist subversive, and her long term ambition is the destruction of the Constitutional Republic. The facts to underpin this assertion are below.

The Democrats have been captured by far left progressive activists and are today an unconstitutional force actively seeking to destroy the US Republic. The Republicans are meant to oppose the Democrats, and sure as hell should be doing something to weed out subversives like Pelosi and stop them, but apparently they’re powerless.

Here are the facts on Pelosi that should have disbarred her from entering the US House of Representatives.

Pelosi holds an executive position in the Progressive Caucus, a subset of The Democratic Socialists of America, which is the US branch of  Socialist International. Who and what are these groups?

The Socialist International carries the torch for Karl Marx, Friedrich Engels, Vladimir Lenin, Leon Trotzky, and Josef Stalin. Pay no attention to the desperate attempts by socialists to distance themselves from Stalin. For our purposes, it is suffice to say that every single tenet of the Socialist International is the exact opposite of the principles upon which America was founded, and which define the U.S. Constitution.

Then we have the Democratic Socialists of America. As the U.S. arm of the Socialist International, they share the symbol of the fist holding the rose, and they share the tasks to be accomplished – in our case, an altogether different America.

This subversive group welds disproportionate power in the Democrats and therefore in US politics by means of The Progressive Caucus, founded in 1991 by Bernie Sanders, who almost won the party nomination.

The political philosophy known as Socialism, a cause the Progressive Caucus vigorously pursues, was devised to combat and prevail over Anglo-American principles, law, and economics. Every version of socialism, from Nazism and Bolshevism to the mildest form of Social Democracy is fundamentally opposed to Anglo-American attitudes and the US Constitutional Republic.

Why is it that Nancy Pelosi’s connections to this group go unreported on? Why is it that even the presence of such a subversive group as the Progressive Caucus is not exposed, that it subversive intentions also go virtually unreported on?

Look at it this way. If an international organization existed to carry the torch for Adolf Hitler and Benito Mussolini, and if Donald Trump or any Republican had past or present ties to such an organization, what are the chances the New York Times would find it irrelevant to the matter at hand?

Its a staggering reflection on the state of politics in the US that such a subversive anti-American group can have been such an important part of the political system for so long, and can wield so much power and influence. Keep in mind that members of the U.S. Congress are required to furnish an oath whereby they will preserve, protect, and defend said Constitution.

The bottom line is the Progressive Caucus is an organised well funded group of communists, and after existing for 35 years, they today own the Democrat Party. Their leader today is Keith Ellison. A Muslim who also chairs the Congressional Lesbian Gay Bisexual Transgender Caucus. Here’s a quote from Ellison-

The responsible activist has to show young people out there that white supremacy and capitalism are what’s putting them in the position they’re in.

In an article in the Washington Post 7th February this year, (by communist writer Katrina vanden Heuvel) the Progressive Caucus openly declared its intention to “up its game and bring down the Trump administration”. Quote-

A massive people’s uprising is driving the opposition to President Trump. In Congress, the Congressional Progressive Caucus is an emerging center of that resistance. Last weekend more than 30 of those members joined with activists from across the progressive landscape to share ideas and plot strategy at the annual summit of Progressive Congress.

CPC members individually are already mobilizing against Trump. The challenge is whether the CPC can collectively begin to define the forward-looking agenda of the resistance….. They already know how to support outside movements and groups, and seed political organizing and education in their own districts and elsewhere.

Pelosi is a Communist. Bernie Sanders is a Communist. Keith Ellison is a Communist. They cloak themselves as “socialists”, and the weak Republicans are complicit in this subterfuge.

The truth is the DSA is a Communist controlled organisation and so is the Progressive Caucus. Today, those organisations virtually control the Democrat Party, and they are openly stating their intent is to bring down the American government.

The mainstream media will not report these facts, because they’re too a big part of the great deception that today engulfs the US Republic.

Its up to us folks, to get the news out about what the Democrats have become, about who controls them, and what their plans are. Please re-distribute this information by any means you can. We must defeat this group, and their agents like Pelosi, and shining light on them and who they really are will go a long way toward that defeat.


10 responses to “Time for the truth that Nancy Pelosi is a Communist Subversive”

  1. Kevin Carl Avatar
    Kevin Carl

    Eisenhower made communism illegal in the US a long time ago.


  2. Les Avatar

    Pelosi is a subversive witch and should be impeached for the illegal proceedings against the President! Where is true justice ! Somebody arrest Nancy Pelosi and Adam Schiff!!!!


  3. Brian Johnston Avatar
    Brian Johnston

    A little confusion here. Pelosi may be a socialist/communist. Essentially Pelosi and her ilk support a One World Order. World Government. To achieve that end they have to oppose the Nation State. Destroy it. In fact they demonise the Nation State and compare it to Nazism.

    The above article attacks Nazism and overlooks that Hitler and his men were forced into WWII and that Hitler rose up against the socialist/communist/Marxist/globalists of his time. Hitler supported the Nation State

    Trump has said he supports the Nation State and should be supported for that.

    Germany was also forced into WWI

    The Bolshevik revolution was an attack on Russian Orthodox Christianity. They intended to take Europe and then the world. Karl Marx said? To get Europe we need to get England. To get England we need to get Ireland. Irish socialist leader James Connolly 1868-1916 was a Marxist.


  4. Suzette Castillo Avatar
    Suzette Castillo

    I agree Nancy Pelosi and her band of outlaws are very much communist, I think it should be told all over to get that message out, she is a evil woman


  5. Scott Gold Avatar
    Scott Gold

    They have shown their truly red colors as they go to spill Trumps blood before the election in 2020, I fear too many ignorant Americans don’t see the evil the Democrats are committing. I never thought she was a Commie, but I’m seeing this cultural war starting with the Clintons, carried on by pro-gay-marriage Obama who lied and later turned on the Christian base to do his agenda, and Hilda-beast carrying own her hunger for DC power to promote killing of the unborn and gay rights that the Democrats are in rebellion and in war to the Lord Jesus Christ! They want to remove God from our nation, our Constitution, our money, and our citizens – so persecution is coming in America by these Demoncats if they win!


  6. Jacqueline R Campbell Avatar
    Jacqueline R Campbell



  7. Trotskyist_Union Avatar

    I don’t think that you really understand what communism is. What the communists are trying to do is to give people equal pay, rights, food, and abolish classes. The Democrats, true, they do raise some taxes, but they are ok besides that. Meanwhile, the Republican Party consists of fascists, sexists, bigots, and imperialists. They are the ones that should be voted out. They have done some good things, but they should think of better people to put in power. Trump is turning America into an empire, and has cracked down WAY too hard on illegal immigrants. The government should except all people. Instead, the current president is sending them to concentrations camps like the Nazis did to Jews(But not to say they treat them that extremely). Speaking of Nazis, as Brian Johnston said, the Nazis did attack communists, but socialists? Not exactly. In fact, Nazi is the shortened term for national socialist, which indeed rises up against capitalism-but in their own nation. So if you’re saying that Trump should be supported because he acts similarly to the 3rd greatest mass murderer in history, that’s quite disturbing. It is true that the other two places are taken up by Mao Zedong and Joseph Stalin, but neither of them truly follow the communist ideology. Stalin called himself a “Marxist-Leninist”, but did not follow any of his own ideas. Instead, he ran the government with something we call Stalinism, which was a totalitarian and even somewhat fascist and imperial state, since it is focusing on communism in one nation. As for Mao, he was similar to Stalin and did not follow any of the policies given by Marx or Lenin. However, Yugoslav dictator Josip Broz Tito took Marxism-Leninism and extracted it’s Stalinist policies, which comes to be known as Titoism. With this ideology, he ran a perfect communist government which unfortunately fell after his death due to the fact that nobody understood the nation’s ideology as well as Tito. I would also like to comment on the fact that Brian Johnston said that the Bolshevik Revolution was an attack on Russian Orthodox Christianity, I strongly disagree. The Bolsheviks’ main purpose was to abolish the absolute monarchy and Imperialism in Russia and give power to the workers. Indeed, they did attack the Church but that was because, as Marx said, “Religion is the opium of the people”. Think about how many wars started because of religion. Besides, the clergy in Russia were fundamentalists, simply helping the Tsars in their reign. If you want to know what it’s like to live under a society run by religion, read “Persepolis” by Marjane Satrapi. This article also mentions that Bernie Sanders and Nancy Pelosi “cover themselves up as socialists”. They are both democratic socialists, which has different policies than actual socialism or communism. Lenin tried to take land from the church, but wanted to keep the churches. Unlike Stalin, who blasted down the biggest church in Moscow without asking anyone’s opinion. I have also noted that people have commented against gay marriage. First of all, it’s not their fault that they’re that way, so you shouldn’t have anything against them. They are still people like us. Trump has also said that climate change is a lie and that COVID-19 is a hoax. When Notre Dame cathedral burned down, Trump said that they could have put it out with water planes and was corrected by French officials that doing so would cause the building to collapse. He is embarrassing our country. One more thing is Trotsky wanted to spread the ideology worldwide, just so you know. By the way, this article’s author spelled his name wrong.


    1. Holly Bell Avatar
      Holly Bell

      Communist MF


  8. roy Avatar

    you tell a bunch of halve truths but you do not tell that a person loses his freedom and property plus all of his land, homes and money under communism.also the elite party members live like kings while you live on what they have taken from the people and since they live like kings you the people do not get very much.


  9. james Avatar

    democracts are liars and green card people

