Search results for: “detroit”

  • One of Communism's greatest enemies, Singapore's Lee Kuan Yew gravely ill

    As I wrote in this post some time ago “Dying Detroit, thriving Singapore- two cities from which we can learn so much” “The main reason the left lost in Singapore is Lee Kuan Yew’s knowledge of communist subversion strategies. He fought them all his younger life, and learned well from this experience, and was always…

  • People get the (Progressive) Government They Deserve.

    Detroit’s City Council calls for federal investigation into civil rights charge against Zimmerman. They’re bankrupt and this is what they concern themselves with. FFS..! Detroit voted 97.5% for Obama in the 2012 elections.

  • Obama’s Buddy Jimmy Hoffa Jnr on Tea Party- “Let’s take these sons of bitches out”

    As the warm up act for Barack Obama’s speech at a Labor Day rally in Detroit, Teamsters President Jimmy Hoffa, Jr. proved that big labor thuggery is alive and well and ready to go to war for Obama’s re-election. Referring to the President’s political opponents and the Tea Party specifically, Hoffa incited the crowd of…

  • Progressives Turn Big Apple Into Rotten Apple

    The amazing thing is it keeps happening. Like a snowball rolling down a hill and attracting more snow as it rolls, so socialism careers on its destructive path. Seemingly unstoppable, even when the destruction and cruelty it deals in is everywhere to be seen. What will it take for people to snap out of their…

  • General Debate 27/04/11

    Pastor Terry Jones imprisoned to prevent Detroit Koran protest A local judge jailed Pastor Terry Jones of Gainesville, Florida and his associate Wayne Sapp after a court found their planned protest outside the Islamic Center of America in Dearborn, Michigan, could lead to violence. During his court appearance, Pastor Jones argued that the Koran “promotes…
