By Redbaiter- in the leftist's lexicon, the lowest of the low.

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Obama’s Buddy Jimmy Hoffa Jnr on Tea Party- “Let’s take these sons of bitches out”

As the warm up act for Barack Obama’s speech at a Labor Day rally in Detroit, Teamsters President Jimmy Hoffa, Jr. proved that big labor thuggery is alive and well and ready to go to war for Obama’s re-election.

Referring to the President’s political opponents and the Tea Party specifically, Hoffa incited the crowd of union members when he said there was a “war on workers. And you see it everywhere. It is the Tea Party.” Then he screamed, “let’s take these sons of bitches out”. (see video below)

This is the kind of rhetoric the left freely indulge in while they simultaneously whine and moan about the Tea party being uncivil. Learn from this my friends, this civility strategy is just another left wing deceit. They don’t really care one jot for civility. The Democrat Party has refused to condemn Hoffa’s words. Obama has not. Rather he’s expressed his pride in Hoffa and the unions.

This proves the left, from the top to the bottom of their movement, are vicious lying thugs who should never be given even the slightest quarter, and they should never be mistaken for civil and well intentioned political opponents they pretend to be.

They want totalitarian one party control of America and every other western country and they will do what ever they can get away with to achieve that objective. Obama is a Marxist thug, a fraud and a deceiver there only to give a respectable face to a party that is really nothing more than a group of extreme left Chicago gangsters and Bolsheviks.

While the left falsely accuse Palin of inciting violence through target markers on maps, and there is nationwide media driven hysteria, Hoffa can make the above direct incitement to kill in full view of President Obama and nothing is said and the media seek to cover it up. Showing they are not really media but the propaganda wing of Obama’s thug army.

With Obama in the white House the extreme left have their big chance at power, and they see 2012 as an election they must win at any cost, for to lose it would be seen as a major defeat for Marxism. Its my belief they will not hesitate to spill blood. If she runs, Sarah Palin will be in real danger. If she is not already.

Its way past time for an attitude adjustment towards the left. These savages, including their media supporters, are not civil opponents. They must be treated as the vile and dangerous totalitarian thugs they really are.

8 responses to “Obama’s Buddy Jimmy Hoffa Jnr on Tea Party- “Let’s take these sons of bitches out””

  1. The Gantt Guy Avatar
    The Gantt Guy

    It is interesting, isn’t it. As Ann Coulter says, the only violence that ever occurred at Tea Party rallies has been committed by the left. The 2 most prominent violent incidents were where an organiser got their finger bitten off, and another got bashed by 5 thugs from the SEIU.

    And across the pond, the EDL actively removes the thugs from their midst while the UAF scum are free to commit whatever atrocities they like.

    I said it on CR the other day. The left are warming up. When BHO is evicted from the White House in November next year, hell will be unleashed that will make 1992 LA look like a child’s birthday party.


  2. KG Avatar

    “When BHO is evicted from the White House in November next year, hell will be unleashed that will make 1992 LA look like a child’s birthday party.”
    Yep. The left are the enemy, not merely political opponents.


  3. The Gantt Guy Avatar
    The Gantt Guy

    And remember when that inciter of violence Sarah Palin said at a Tea Party Rally “if our enemy brings a knife to the fight, we will bring a gun”. Oh hang on a minute, that wasn’t Palin at a violent, racist Tea Party rally at all was it? It was BHO at a teamsters gathering. Oops.


  4. kowtow Avatar

    “Workers”, that fat slob probably never did a days manual labour in his life.
    Daddy was a rich crook who could afford a huge salary and pension on the back of union members.
    I find these leftist leaders hilarious, the likes of this fellow,the well healed DSK, the Blairs,the Clarks all well to do “socialists” getting votes out of the “workers” who dupe themselves into voting for these rich cretins who have a track record of exporting jobs to places like China.and importing huge numbers of illegai immigrants who depress wages and soak up the social welfare budgets.And all the while they introduce laws that tear away at the fabric of our societies under the very noses of the “working classes”.


  5. Kris K Avatar

    And people wonder what suitably motivated Breivik to take out a number of Hitler Socialist youth …

    When the Socialist Left remove the rights of opposing free-speech, when they [falsely] accuse Conservatives of violence and yet condone and incite violence by their own, when they brain-wash our children in their socialised ‘education’ system, when they criminalise good parents and interfere in their family lives, when they remove God from our societies … then they leave us with only ONE option: REVOLUTION.
    There is no alternative when all other options have been exhausted.


  6. The Fear and Loathing Presidency « Freedom Apparatus Avatar

    […] Obama’s Buddy Jimmy Hoffa Jnr on Tea Party- “Let’s take these sons of bitches out&… ( […]


  7. Sika Avatar

    ‘dispose of the enemies at home’.

    Yeah, sure. The military make excellent runners of countries. Tell us more.

    Matey, you sometimes seem to be flirting with mental stability.


  8. […] Obama’s Buddy Jimmy Hoffa Jnr on Tea Party- “Let’s take these sons of bitches out&… ( […]

