Search results for: “detroit”

  • Detroit collapse provides opportunity for libertarian state

    Detroit has been governed by progressives for 60 years and has naturally gone badly bankrupt. Now there is a fight over what assets can be sold to pay creditors. The more assets sold, the more cents in the dollar for those owed, but of course the progs are kicking back on sales. You can do…

  • Detroit's cultural collapse a harbinger for the west.

    Detroit has collapsed fiscally, but money is not the real problem. The real reason Detroit is in a spiral of destruction is cultural. For 60 years the majority of Detroit citizens have voted Democrat. They’ve elected incompetents, malcontents, racists, thieves and criminals. As a result they’ve had completely destructive governance. Only three percent of fourth…

  • Dying Detroit, thriving Singapore- two cities from which we can learn so much

    Just one of the horrifying facts provided in the attached video is this- If anyone commits a murder in Detroit, they’ve got a 7 in 10 chance of getting way with it. An example of the disastrous outcomes in a city run by leftists for decades, and that now exists as a stark and unforgettable…

  • An Email- Detroit Hiroshima Comparison

    A powerful story in pictures- an abridged version of an email I received recently. What happened to the radiation that lasts thousands of years?? HIROSHIMA 1945 We all know that Hiroshima and Nagasaki were destroyed in August 1945 after the explosion of atomic bombs. However, we know little about the progress made by the people…

  • Elon Musk would be Steve Joyce’s best buddy

    An interesting column has been written in the Detroit News by one Eric Peters, and it attacks entrepreneur Elon Musk as a cronyist. Peters claims that Elon Musk’s record of success is all smoke and mirrors based around govt grants and subsidies. I’ve no doubt its all true, but I was surprised to see Kiwiblog…
